Legal Framework Publication of State Secrets via Cyberspace in Indonesia
The issue of publishing information and electronic data that fall under the category of state secrets via cyberspace remains unregulated in Indonesia, leading to a complex debate between the state's secrecy and the public's right to access information. This tension has been further intensified by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the widespread availability of information, making it difficult to distinguish between state secrets and public information. As a result, individuals or entities who disseminate state secrets through cyberspace may not be held accountable unless specific regulations are established. This study adopts a normative juridical approach with a legal and conceptual framework to examine the intersection of state secrets and the publication of information through cyberspace, examining relevant provisions from existing laws and regulations. The study's findings may provide the legal vacuum concerning the criminalization of individuals who have published information or electronic information that may be categorized as state secrets through cyberspace.
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Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.
Law Number 1 Year 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations.
Law Number 10 Year 1998 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 Year 1992 concerning Banking.
Law Number 34 Year 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army.
Law Number 14 Year 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure.
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Law Number 17 Year 2011 concerning State Intelligence.
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Copyright (c) 2023 by the Auhtor(s) Published by Development Centre Research of Law and Scientific Publication on behalf of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Lampung
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