Author Guidelines

Article submitted to the Pancasila and Law Review Journal should be in appropriate English or French. Authors who are not native English or French language speakers are encouraged to check their grammar, structure, clarity, and engagement before paper submission. Authors are suggested to benefit the service of Elsevier English Language Editing Services or ENAGO. We kindly remind you that publication elsewhere after submitting to Journal Pancasila And Law Review is prohibited.
The Author Guidelines for manuscript submission in Journal Pancasila And Law Review is as follow:

  1. How to Submit

    Authors are requested to submit their article manuscript by using the OJS online submission system available at This site will guide authors through the submission process. The editorial office will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript. In case of difficulty, please contact the editorial office ( or Editors will decide, within 14 days, whether to further process the paper for the refereeing stage.

    Article manuscript may be returned to authors for revision. Authors will be given up to eight weeks after receipt of the reviewers' comments to revise their papers. Revisions must be submitted within eight weeks via the online submission system. Please refer to the user manual for information about online submission. A paper will be automatically rejected if the revision is not submitted within eight weeks.

    Article manuscript may be rejected, but authors are allowed to resubmit them, provided that significant improvements have been made. Resubmissions will be treated as new submissions.


  2. Manuscript Template

    The manuscript should be structured according to the following provided author guidelines in the Microsoft (MS) Word (doc; docx; pdf) or article template format.


  3. Reviewing Process of the Manuscript

    Every submitted Article manuscript is reviewed independently by a minimum of two peer-reviewers. The author may request up to three peer-reviewers in the manuscript submission. The editor then decides for publication, amendment, and/or rejection based on the peer-reviewers report and recommendation. The authors will receive a description and explanation of the manuscript rejection after the submission date. The suitability of a manuscript is considered by two and more reviewers.


  4. Revision of the Manuscript

    Authors will receive their manuscript back. Afterwards, manuscripts sent back to the authors should be returned to the editor in shortest time possible, preferably before 3 month . The revised manuscript should be uploaded to the online submission. The revised document should include:

    1. One MS Word files of Revision Note. This revision note is in a table form that provides the Reviewers comments and highlights the revised section of the manuscript. The table columns consist of:
      • Numbers
      • Reviewers comments
      • Answer/revision note
      • Location of revision (page number, column, and/or line).
    2. One MS Word files of Revised Manuscript. The revised manuscript is based on the template-based format (MS Word file). The revised sentences should be colored highlight. Revised manuscripts that are returned more than three months are considered as a new submission and will undergo review again by other peer-reviewer.


  5. General Author Guideline
    • Article manuscript submitted to this journal should adhere to the focus and scope of this journal. The focus and scope could be found on this page.
    • Signed copy of Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publication(CTAP) should be uploaded as a supplementary file during online manuscript submission. The CTAP Form could be downloaded here. For more information about the author right, please refer to the Copyright Notice page.
    • Signed copy of Mandatory Author Declaration should be uploaded as a supplementary file during submission. The detail of the Mandatory Author Declaration could be found here.
    • Authors who wish to publish their article in this journal must read, understand, and/or agree to the journal editorial policies as described on the about page of this journal.
    • Article manuscript should be formatted and constructed based on manuscript preparation guide described in this page.


  6. Manuscript Preparation Guide
      • 6.1. General Organization of Paper

    The paper will be published in [Journal Pancasila And Law Review] after the peer review process and is determined accepted by the editors. Manuscript document submitted to this journal in one Ms Word should be organized as follow:

        • 1) Body text of a manuscript article
        • 2) Figure captions and table captions. Figures and tables must be separated from the body text of the paper, put after references
        • 3) Figures
        • 4) Tables

      • 6.2. Section Headings

    Following the main headings should be provided in the manuscript while preparing. The separation between Main headings, sub-headings and sub-sub headings should not be numbered in the manuscript, but using the separation in the following example. Four levels of heading are allowed as follows:

    • 1) Level 1, 12pt, HEADINGS, Times New Roman, Bold, Uppercase, Left-Justified.
    • 2) Level 2, 12pt, Sub-Headings, Times New Roman, Bold, Capitalized Each Word, Left-Justified.
    • 3) Level 3, 12pt, Sub-Sub Headings, Times New Roman, Capitalized Each Words, Left-Justified.
    • 4) Level 4, 12pt, Point Headings, Times New Roman, Capitalized Each Words, Left-Justified

      • 6.3. Body Text
        • 1) 12 pt Times New Roman
        • 2) One (1) space
        • 3) The indentation for the first line is 0.5 cm

      • 6.4. Bullets

    Bullets and numbering in the body text are prohibited. Sentences are suggested to be described in paragraph format.

      • 6.5. Abbreviations and Symbols

    Abbreviations and symbols definition and explanation should be provided for the first time as they are introduced in the text.

      • 6.6. Manuscript Heading, Font, and Spacing

    The manuscript should be aligned with the journal’s template or pay attention to the guidelines below:

        • 1) Typed of Microsoft Word
        • 2) The paper size 21 cm x 29,7cm (A4)
        • 3) Margin:
          • a) Top : 2,5 cm
          • b) Bottom : 2,5 cm
          • c) Left : 3 cm
          • d) Right : 2 cm

      • 6.7. Tables and Figures

    Tables and Figures are presented centre and cited in the manuscript. The figures should be readable and at least have a resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for excellent printing quality. The source of the table or figures is provided below.

      • 6.8. Paper Title

    The paper title is potential for authors to attract readers. Moreover, paper articles will be cited by other authors. Thus, it is essential to make sure the paper title is accurate, efficient, and unambiguous. Title of Articles is written with Times New Roman, Bold,14 pt, and preferably not more than 14 words.

      • 6.9. Authors Name and Affiliations

    The author's name should be provided without salutation or professional positions. These positions include Prof., Dr., Ms., Mr., and Manager. It is prohibited to abbreviate your last or family name. Authors Name should be written in Times New Roman, Bold, 12 pt. below, the author's name is the affiliation and email which is written in Times New Roman, Italic, 12 pt.

      • 6.10. Abstract and Keywords

    The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. This abstract should provide a brief introduction to the problem, objective of the paper, followed by a statement regarding the methodology and a summary of results. Abstracts are written in English. Font Times New Roman (11pt) Italic and preferably not more than 300 words.

      • 6.11. Introduction

    The introduction should be clear and provide the issue to be discussed in the manuscript. Before the objective, authors should provide an adequate background, and very short literature survey in order to record the existing solutions/method, to show which is the best of previous researches, to show the main limitation of the earlier researches, to show what do you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. At the end of the paragraph, the author/s should end with a comment on the significance concerning identification of the issue and objective of the research. Then the writer can write descriptively the research method used in the article. This method is optional, the author can only write it in the introduction or abstract chapter. Originality or Novelty of research is required in this segment/paragraph. This research is executed differently from existing or previous research, Example “The novelty of this research will make a significant contribution to determining the means, size, and function of the parliamentary threshold in the legislative election”. The method is optional for original research articles. This method is written indescriptive and should provide a statement regarding the methodology of the research. This method as much as possible gives the reader an idea through the methods used. At the end of the introduction, it is necessary to end with the problem question. The question problem contains details of the things to be researched and delivered as a research/study statement, this question problem is optional.

      • 6.12. Discussion

    This section is the most crucial section of your article. The analysis and discussion should be clear and concise. The results should summarise (scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. Please highlight differences between your results or conclusions and the previous publications by other researchers.

      • 6.13. Conclusion

    The conclusion contains a description that should answer the objectives of the research. Provide a clear and concise conclusion. Do not repeat the abstract or describe the results of the research.

      • 6.14. Suggestion

    The suggestions contains a introduce or propose an idea or a plan for someone's considrents in the form of solutions, advice, plan or idea. Give a clear explanation regarding the possible application and/or suggestions related to the research findings, this suggestion is optional.

      • 6.15. Acknowledgement

    Recognize those who helped in your research, including individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, or another supporter, i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers who may have given materials.

      • 6.16. Grants

    Recognize those who support your research funding, for example, DIPA PNBP/BLU, the Faculty of Law, Lampung University.

      • 6.17. References

    References at the end of the manuscript should be written in CHICAGO Citation Style. Cite only items that you have read and on footnotes. All publications cited in the text should be included as a list of Bibliography, arranged alphabetically by author. REFERENCES MUST 80% FROM JOURNALS AND BOOK ONLY 20 %.

        • 1) Ex book:
        • Abdussalam, Desasfuryanto, A. Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Jakarta: PTIK, 2016.
        • 2) Ex journal:
        • Arpangi,A. “Pelindungan Hukum Terhadap Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Di Luar Negeri.” Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum 3, No.1 (2016).
        • 3) Ex Internet:
        • “Kisah Pilu TKW Indonesia, 1,5 Tahun Disiksa Majikan hingga Gaji Sebesar 567 Juta Tak Dibayarkan”, Available online

      • 6.18. Footnotes

    Footnotes and References should be written in CHICAGO Citation Style. Please use Reference Manager Applications such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. (we suggest Mendeley). Bibliography citations are provided in footnotes with the format:

      • 1) Books
      • Bernart L Tanya, Teori Hukum, Strategi Tertib Manusia Lintas Ruang dan Generasi, Surabaya: Kita, (2002), p. 239.
      • 2) Journal articles:
      • Husni, “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap TKI yang Bekerja di Luar Negeri (Kajian Yuridis Terhadap Sinkronisasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Penempatandan Perlindungan TKI,” JurnalHukum& Pembangunan 40, No. 2 (2010): 270-289.
      • 3) Internet:
      •, “Kisah Pilu TKW Indonesia, 1,5 Tahun Disiksa Majikan hingga Gaji Sebesar 567 Juta Tak Dibayarkan”, September, 17, 2019. Available online


  7. Submission Preparation Checklist
    • 1) The submitted manuscript is written in a language that is accepted by this journal
    • 2) The submitted manuscript is formatted and constructed according to the author's guidelines of this journal
    • 3) The mandatory author declaration is signed by all authors and prepared to be uploaded
    • 4) The Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publication form is signed and prepared to be uploaded.


  8. Online Submission Guide (How To)

    The first step of online submission for an author is to register as an author role. The author should fill in the form and its details, especially for forms that have the star marks which are mandatory to fill in. afterwards, the author clicks on the “register” button to precede the registration. Next, the author should go to the “online submission” and will be asked to “login”. After logging in the author will be redirected to journal author dashboard. Start a new submission by clicking the New Submission button on the right side of the screen. You will be taken to Step 1 of a 5-Step process to upload and describe your submission:

      • Step 1-Starting the submission

        In this first step consists of journal's privacy statement, submission preparation checklist, and comments for the editor. The journal's privacy statement acknowledges to never distributing any personal user data required on the registrations process without the explicit permission of the user. Upon request, a user's email address is removed from the mailing list. All data held about the user will be made available to the user upon request.

        Read and agree to the statements in the submission checklist by checking each box. Include any comments for the editor, read the journal’s privacy statement, and then click the Save and Continue button to move to Step 2.

      • Step 2-Uploading the submission

        On Step 2, a window will open allowing you to upload your submission file.
        First, you MUST select an Article Component. This lets the system know whether the file is the body of the manuscript, an image, a data set, etc. This must be selected before your file will upload.
        Once you’ve made that selection, you can then upload your first file. It is important to note that you can only upload one file at a time. Additional files can be uploaded later in the process. Typically, this first file will be the body of your manuscript. Hit the Continue button once the file uploads.
        After uploading the file, you will be asked to review the name of the file. Use the Edit link to make any changes, click “Continue” button.
        Next, you have the option to repeat the process to upload additional files (e.g., a data set or an image). Your signed copy of the Mandatory Author Declaration and Copyright Transfer Agreement for Publication file should be uploaded here.
        Once you have finished uploading all of your files, click Complete; this will close the upload window.
        You will be brought back to the Submit an Article screen where you will see the files you’ve uploaded. If you need to make changes, expand the blue arrow to the left of your file and make any changes using the Edit link.
        Click ‘Save and Continue’ to move to Step 3.

      • Step 3-Entering the Submission's Metadata

        On Step 3, you will be asked to add more information about the submission, including the title of the submission (broken down into prefix, title, and subtitle), the abstract, and additional contributors.
        You can add more contributors (e.g., co-authors), by clicking the Add Contributors link. This will open a new window with fields to enter their information. Hit Save, and the new contributor will appear on the screen.
        Depending on the journal you are submitting to, you may see additional fields to complete, such as keywords.
        To enter keyword, simply type the word or phrase and hit your Enter key. The word or phrase will be formatted as a keyword.
        Click Save and Continue to move forward.

      • Step 4-Confirming the Submission

        On Step 4, you will be asked to confirm that you are happy with your submission.
        Click Finish Submission.
        A box will pop up asking you to confirm you are finished. Click OK.

      • Step 5-Submission Complete

        Your submission is now complete! The editor has been notified of your submission. At this point, you can follow the links to:

        • Review this submission
        • Create a new submission
        • Return to your dashboard

    For more details regarding submission guide, please refer to Open Journal System user guide here.

Online Submissions

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See the full list of Abstracting and Indexing.